From With all of the people that only came to wheel on Saturday, Sunday we were down to one group
Scott LeLacheur and Suzzy Lewis - Green YJ
Ryan and Ashlyn Connor - White YJ
Dan, Jackson and Josie Peck - Camo CJ5
Chip Woods and Charles Galpin - Silver TJ
Jamie Galpin, sister and two friends - Red D90
Kieth Robertson and his two boys - White JK
The plan was to pick up where we left off on Saturday, Virgil made the decision to not wheel, which turned out to be a good call. We journeyed around the bath houses and up Canyon to get back to the V-trail. With nobody taking Ryan's line from Saturday, we got to the top of V-trail with no problems. From there we took the new connector trail from the top of V towards Death Valley. Our original plan was to keep making right turns to stay towards the top of the mountain. That work for a while, until Ryan and I hit the rock flow section. Being Sunday, and afternoon, I held up the rest of the group and had them start lunch while Ryan and I turned around to get back to them. After lunch, Charles' clan, Keith's boys and Jackson led all of us on foot. One of them even found me a new wrench on the trail. We were able to make it back down the mountain to Middle Road where we stopped briefly at the ATV clearing for some poser shots. From
there we went back to camp to pack up and head home.