The following requirements must be met for a trail ride to be considered an Official OCC trail ride:


1.  There must be two current OCC members present on the trip, either driving or as passengers.  These members must be In good standing, meaning dues paid, yearly waiver submitted, etc.

2. The trip must have been announced on the OCC Groups.IO group List 24 hours in advance of the trip, or be a pre-planned trip that has been on the OCC calendar for more than 24 hours (eg. OCC Spring MOR, Big Dogs, etc.).

3. There must be a database setup for the trip 24 hours in advance so that folks are able to sign up to attend the trip.   The attendees, however, don't need to actually sign up on the database to 'count' as attending. 

4. There must be a total of 4 rigs on the trip and the trip has to be at least a half day trip (approximately 4 hours on the trail).

5. Waivers and Medical Forms must have been filled out by non-members / guest and collected by the Trail Leader (as always required on trips).


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