

Off-Camber Crawlers: Colossal Canines 2013 Nov 17 at the Cove

There was only one group for this day as many others only planned to wheel on Sat.

Our Sunday group consisted of:

Bryan Folts, 99 XJ, tail gunner with Steve, Luke, Talon and Bas Reisbeck as guests

Ryan Conner, in the Can Opener (some Frankenstein YJ)

Preston Crum, YJ

Jeff Eppolite, Beta TJ

Roscoe Primrose, The Little TJ that could

Keith Robertson, 07 JKUR with Hayden and Jared as passengers

Rich Martinez, 11 JKUR, trail leader, with Jaye and Brooke as passengers


Since it was a Sunday run we decided we were going to keep to the easier trails.  Still to gather GPS data we headed straight for Horseshoe.  We ran HS without any problems and then went south on the access road to find the newer trail that leads up to Bunny.  This newer trail now has a name, Berkley Springs.  We climb BS trail up to the Bunny/Pinnacle road then turned left to head up to Pinnacle.  When we got the end, we were greeted by some new signs which read “No Motor Vehicles”.  And another that said Appalachian Trail.  It appears the AT club posted these signs right at the Cove boundary.

We parked and took the short hike to the Pinnacles and enjoyed the views.  Some of us took the opportunity to eat lunch or grab a drink.  After the short break we headed back to Bunny so some of the group could play on the rocks.  Bryan started to lead a group through one of the easier lines when he busted a tie-rod end.  After discussing various options to fix it, Jeff thought it best to head back to camp and get a spare he had in his tow rig or trailer.  The repair was made in short order when Jeff returned with the new part.

From Bunny we decided to head back to camp and call Colossal Canines 2013 to an end.  Back at camp we all started packing up, loading up and saying goodbye.

It’s kind of sad seeing this year come to a close.  It’s been a lot of fun at every event and I look forward to seeing everyone at the Christmas party.

And a big THANK YOU to all the 2013 Board Members!!!!!



Rich Martinez, Trail Leader